Vision, Mission, Philosophy, Objectives

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is committed to accomplish the following objectives:
• To educate teachers and educational leaders to give sacrificial service to God and humanity.
• To provide teaching and leadership skills which are needed in the contemporary world.
• To train teachers and curriculum experts and educational leaders to integrate into their teaching/leadership Biblical Foundation of Ethics and values.
• To prepare professionals recognized for the quality and significance of their teaching, research, scholarship, service, outreach, and leadership.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is to be a leading world class in preparing professionals who provide leadership and exemplary educational and related services to improve the lives of individuals in a changing and complex global society.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences educates, trains and adequately prepares national developers, teachers, curriculum developers and educational administrators to integrate theory and practice and provide Christian service.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, through its departments, operates within the framework of the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy which promotes “…a harmonious development of the physical, mental and spiritual powers” and prepares students “…for the joy of service in this world and in the world to come” (E. G. White, 1952, Education, p. 13).