Welcome to the Department of Development Studies

Faculty of Arts & Social Science
The Bachelor of Science in Development Studies is a four-year degree programme approved by the National Accreditation Board, Ghana, for running since August, 2005. The programme offers professional training in Development by equipping students with Knowledge in development issues and skills relevant for intervention in development processes towards the improvement of the social and economic condition of mankind. The programme aims to contribute towards the achievement of the overall mission and objectives of Valley View University by training students within the context of Christian and African standards and Values. Our products may come out competent to work as project Managers/Facilitators/Officers, Community Development/Mobilization Specialists and also as Development Officers at the various district Assemblies, Civil Society, International Governmental Organizations and the Private Sector. They can also work in various positions in the public and private sectors.
The Department of Development Studies exists to train world-class development professionals who would be equipped to be active players in the processes of Development within the Ghanaian, African and global contexts as well as also take an active part in development research as a contribution towards the total development mankind.
The Department of Development Studies seeks to provide students the necessary intellectual accent, practical skills and the technical know-how required to analyse development issues and also capable of implementing development programmes and projects towards the improvement of the living conditions of the people.
On completion of the programme, the student is expected to come out as a development manager or professional who is academically astute, socially affable, physically robust and spiritually compassionate. Such a one, moved by the love of God, will seek to aid individuals and communities to alleviate their plight of poverty and general underdevelopment.
Among others, the department hopes to:
• Equip the student with a deeper and comprehensive understanding of the theories and concepts of development and the processes involved in the phenomena.
• Train students to appreciate the current environmental challenges and avail them of practical hands-on approach to sustainable development.
• Provide the student with the necessary academic and professional skills that will make the graduate marketable or capable of being self-employed.
• Produce God- fearing, selfless, loving, motivated and dedicated
• Development professionals who will promote and contribute to the development of humanity irrespective of their background: race, colour, sex, ethnicity, political and religious affiliation.
• Make the department of development studies a centre for development research.
To seek; To know; To become and To serve.
Admission to the Development Studies programme at Valley View University will be available to any student who meets the academic requirements of the University and who expresses a willingness to co-operate with its policies and values.